Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI)


The objective of the Joint Migration and Development Initiative is to open up new avenues for income generation for families of migrants and returnee migrants who belong to socio-economically poorer communities.

10 households have been selected in two different villages where we are working in order to develop a homestay service there. 5 members in each household (on average) are directly benefitted from the homestay facility. At the same time, each of the 100 households in the village is benefitted either by selling their agro products or traditional handicrafts. Cultural performing groups have also been formed and receive small financial amounts for their presentation. Along with the contribution to the local economy, all of these activities are also uniting the community together, as many households are working together, and supporting one another.


This project is part of the Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI) funded by the European Commission and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It aims to maximize the potential of migration for local development through the delivery of targeted support to local authorities and non-state actors carrying out Migration and Development (M&D) initiatives.
The JMDI programme is led by UNDP in partnership with IOM, UNHCR, ILO, UNFPA, UNITAR and UN Women, and is implemented in eight countries worldwide: Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Morocco, Nepal, Philippines, Senegal and Tunisia. The HOST project is a joint initiative of the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development and other development partners.
The HOST project is a joint initiative of the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development and other development partners.


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